
Economic Regulation Forum - Quarterly Discussion Group for Regulation Managers/Directors

The First Economics Economic Regulation Forum is a group that meets four times a year to analyse the latest developments in the periodic reviews taking place in the UK's regulated industries.

Its members are drawn from the aviation, electricity, gas, post, rail and water sectors, and the focus of the group is on sharing experiences where companies are encountering common issues (for example, in debates with their regulators about cost of capital, financeability or efficiency). Each meeting comprises a review of recent developments by First Economics' consultants and outside contributions from guest speakers drawn from the regulators' offices. The next in-person meeting will be held online on Thursday 14 November 2024.

If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact Justine Goodenough, Events Manager, at

Owner Group Forum - Quarterly Discussion Group for Train Operators

The First Economics Owner Group Forum is a group that meets four times a year to analyse the latest policy initiatives from the Department for Transport and the Office of Rail and Road.

Its members are drawn from the management teams at Britain's franchised passenger train operators, including representatives of most of the main owner groups. Each meeting comprises a review of recent developments by First Economics' consultants and outside contributions from guest speakers. 

If you would like further information about the group and the membership package, please contact Justine Goodenough, Events Manager, at